Simple Colour Grading Adobe Photoshop 2025,
Simple Colour Grading in Adobe Photoshop
Therefore, Colour grading in Photoshop is a quick way to give your image a unique mood or aesthetic. In other words, here’s how to do simple colour grading:
1. Open Image in Photoshop
Therefore, go to File → Open and select your image.
2. Duplicate Layer (Non-Destructive Editing)
Therefore, Press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Cmd+J (Mac) to duplicate the background layer. This helps you edit without affecting the original image.
3. Basic Adjustments (Brightness & Contrast)
Therefore, Go to: Image → Adjustments → Brightness/Contrast
- In other words, Adjust brightness for exposure
- Therefore, Contrast to boost or soften highlights and shadows
4. Colour Balance
Therefore, Go to: Image → Adjustments → Colour Balance
- In other words, adjust sliders for Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights
- However, use Cyan/Red, Magenta/Green, and Yellow/Blue sliders to give your image warm or cool tones.
5. Simple Colour Grading Adobe Photoshop 2025, Gradient Map (Cinematic Look)
- However, create a Gradient Map adjustment layer from the Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
- In other words, choose a colour gradient (e.g., blue shadows, orange highlights for a cinematic effect.
- However, lower the layer Opacity or change the Blend Mode to Soft Light for subtle grading.
6. Curves Adjustment
In other words, Go to: Image → Adjustments → Curves
- However, Adjust curves for Red, Green, and Blue channels separately to fine-tune colour contrast.
7. Simple Colour Grading Adobe Photoshop 2025, Vibrance & Saturation
In other words, Go to: Image → Adjustments → Vibrance
- However, increase Vibrance to boost muted colours without oversaturating.
- For instance, Adjust Saturation to make the colours pop.
8. Final Touch (Camera Raw Filter)
However, Go to: Filter → Camera Raw Filter
- For instance, Adjust Temperature, Tint, Highlights, Shadows, and Split Toning for the final colour grading.
💡 Simple Colour Grading Adobe Photoshop 2025, Bonus Tip:
For instance, use Blend Modes like Soft Light or Overlay on adjustment layers to give your image a more dramatic look.
Would you like a quick preset or action file for automatic colour grading? 🎨