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Quick Retouch Face Photoshop Tutorial 2024

Quick Retouch Face Photoshop Tutorial 2024

Quick Retouch Face Photoshop Tutorial 2024,

 Therefore, In this Photoshop tutorial, you learn, How to Quickly retouch a face in Adobe Photoshop 2024.

In other words, To quickly retouch a face in Photoshop, you can follow these simple steps:

Quick Retouch Face Photoshop Tutorial 2024

Open the Image:

  • However, Open Photoshop and load the image you want to retouch.

Duplicate the Layer:

  • For instance, Duplicate the background layer by right-clicking on it and selecting “Duplicate Layer” or pressing Ctrl+J (Cmd+J on Mac).

Spot Healing Brush Tool:

  • Above all, Select the Spot Healing Brush Tool from the toolbar (shortcut J).
  • In addition, Make sure “Content-Aware” is selected in the top options bar.
  • After that, Click or brush over blemishes, pimples, or any small imperfections on the skin.

Professional Photo Editing,

Healing Brush Tool:

  • Similarly, Select the Healing Brush Tool from the toolbar.
  • Therefore, Hold Alt (Option on Mac) and click on a clean area of the skin to sample it.
  • In other words, Brush over larger imperfections using the sampled skin to blend them seamlessly.

Clone Stamp Tool:

  • However, Select the Clone Stamp Tool (shortcut S).
  • For instance, Hold Alt (Option on Mac) and click to sample an area of the skin.
  • Above all, Brush over areas that need more precise retouching.

Dodge and Burn:

  • Create a new layer by selecting Layer > New > Layer and setting the mode to “Overlay.”
  • Check the box for “Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray)” and click OK.
  • Use the Dodge Tool (shortcut O) to lighten areas and the Burn Tool to darken areas. Use a low exposure (around 10-20%) and gently brush to enhance highlights and shadows, giving the face more dimension.
Quick Retouch Face Photoshop Tutorial 2024

Frequency Separation (optional for advanced users):

  • Create two duplicate layers of the image.
  • Name the first duplicate “Low Frequency” and the second “High Frequency.”
  • Turn off the “High Frequency” layer visibility.
  • Select the “Low Frequency” layer go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and apply a blur that smooths out the skin texture.
  • Turn on the “High Frequency” layer visibility and select it.
  • Go to Image > Apply Image. Set the Layer to “Low Frequency,” the Blending to “Subtract,” the Scale to 2, and the Offset to 128.
  • Change the “High Frequency” layer blending mode to “Linear Light.”
  • Use the Clone Stamp Tool and Healing Brush Tool on the “Low Frequency” layer for color corrections and the “High Frequency” layer for texture corrections.

Sharpening and Smoothing:

  • Use the Smudge Tool or Blur Tool sparingly to smooth out any remaining harsh lines.
  • Apply a slight sharpening filter to bring back some details. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask and adjust the settings as needed.

Final Adjustments:

  • In addition, Adjust the brightness, contrast, and color balance to finalize the image.
  • Use adjustment layers for non-destructive editing (Layer > New Adjustment Layer).
  1. Save Your Work:
    • Save your retouched image in the desired format (JPEG, PNG, etc.).

Following these steps will help you achieve a quick and effective face retouch in Photoshop.

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