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Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo,

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo

Therefore, High-end retouching in Photoshop involves a series of advanced techniques to enhance images, often used in fashion, beauty, and commercial photography. In other words, Here are some key steps and methods commonly employed in high-end retouching:

Non-Destructive Workflow:

  1. Smart Objects: However, Convert layers to smart objects to preserve the original image data.
  2. Adjustment Layers: For instance, Use adjustment layers for color correction and tonal adjustments.
  3. Layer Masks: Above all, Apply masks to control where adjustments are applied.

Skin Retouching:

  1. Frequency Separation: Separates texture and color/tone into different layers to independently retouch each aspect.
  2. Dodge and Burn: Enhances highlights and shadows to add depth and dimension to the skin.
  3. Healing Brush and Clone Stamp: Removes blemishes and imperfections without affecting the surrounding texture.

Detail Enhancement:

  1. High Pass Filter: In addition, it Sharpens details selectively.
  2. Micro Dodge and Burn: After that, fine-tune small areas of light and shadow for realistic texture.

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial, Color Grading:

  1. Selective Color Adjustments: Fine-tunes specific colors for a cohesive look.
  2. Gradient Maps: Adds creative color effects.
  3. Color Balance and Curves: Adjusts overall color tone and contrast.

Hair Retouching:

  1. Stray Hair Removal: Uses clone stamp and healing brush to tidy up stray hairs.
  2. Hair Volume and Texture: Enhances volume and texture using dodge and burn and custom brushes.

Eyes and Teeth:

  1. Whitening and Brightening: Uses selective color and dodge tools to brighten eyes and teeth.
  2. Detail Enhancement: Enhances iris detail and sharpness.

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial, Makeup Enhancement:

  1. Digital Makeup: Similarly, Add or enhance makeup using soft brushes and blending modes.
  2. Lip Color Adjustment: Therefore, fine-tune lip color and shape.

Final Touches:

  1. Vignetting: In other words, Draws attention to the subject using subtle vignettes.
  2. Sharpening: Final global sharpening to enhance overall image clarity.
  3. Review at 100% Zoom: However, Ensure all details are retouched seamlessly.

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo,

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial How to Retouch a Photo

Photoshop Retouching Tutorial, Example Workflow:

  1. Preparation: Open your image and convert the layer to a smart object.
  2. Frequency Separation: Duplicate the layer and apply Gaussian Blur to one copy, then apply the High Pass filter to the other.
  3. Dodge and Burn: Create new layers set to soft light and paint with black and white brushes to enhance highlights and shadows.
  4. Color Grading: Use adjustment layers like curves, color balance, and selective color to adjust the overall color tone.
  5. Detail Work: Use the clone stamp, healing brush, and additional dodge and burn layers to perfect the details.

Tools and Techniques:

  1. Healing Brush Tool (J): Perfect for removing small blemishes and imperfections.
  2. Clone Stamp Tool (S): Useful for duplicating parts of an image or removing unwanted elements.
  3. Dodge Tool (O): Lightens areas of the image to enhance highlights.
  4. Burn Tool (O): Darkens areas to enhance shadows.
  5. Brush Tool (B): Essential for painting and creating soft transitions.
  6. Liquify Filter: This allows you to push, pull, rotate, and bloat parts of the image to refine shapes and features.

High-end retouching requires patience and attention to detail. It’s essential to work slowly and make small adjustments to maintain the natural look of the subject.

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