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Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels Photo Editing Tutorial

Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels Photo Editing Tutorial

Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels Photo Editing Tutorial. However, How to Professional Photo Editing Using Adobe Photoshop Adjustments Layer Levels. In other words,  Color Grading & Color Correction Using Levels.

 Therefore,  In this Photoshop tutorial, How to do photo editing & color grading using Adobe Photoshop Levels.

Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels Photo Editing Tutorial
Adjustments Layer Levels Photo Editing

Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels Photo Editing Tutorial,

Photoshop Levels is a photo editing tool used to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image. It allows you to manipulate the tonal range of your photo to achieve a more visually appealing result. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Levels tool in Photoshop:

Open your image in Photoshop: For instance, Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the photo you want to edit.

Access the Levels tool: Click on the “Image” menu at the top of the screen, then select “Adjustments” and finally choose “Levels.” You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + L (Windows/Mac).

Adobe Photoshop Professional Photo Editing,

Adjust the sliders: A histogram and three sliders will appear beneath your image. The histogram represents the tonal distribution of your photo. The three sliders are:

a. Input Highlight (white triangle): For instance, This slider controls the brightest whites in your image. By moving it to the right, you can increase the brightness of the highlights. Be careful not to overdo it, as this may introduce unwanted noise or wash out the image.

b. Input Midtones (gray triangle): This slider adjusts the overall contrast and brightness of your photo. Move it left or right to increase or decrease the contrast, respectively.

c. Input Shadow (black triangle): This slider controls the darkest areas of your image. Moving it to the right can help recover details in the shadows while preventing the image from looking too dark.

Adobe Lightroom Photo Editing,

Use the eyedroppers: Above all, If you want to target specific areas in your image, you can use the two eyedroppers located on either side of the sliders. Click on the “Shadow” eyedropper tool and select a dark area in your photo that should be lighter. Similarly, click on the “Highlight” eyedropper tool to choose a bright area that should be darker. This will automatically adjust the sliders to optimize the image’s tonal range.

Photoshop Adjustment Layer Levels,

Observe the changes: As you adjust the sliders, watch how the image changes in the main window. Keep an eye on the histogram as well, ensuring that it covers the full range without clipping on either end.

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Finalize your edits: Once you’re satisfied with the adjustments, click “OK” to apply the changes to your image.

Remember that photo editing is subjective, and the goal is to enhance the image to achieve the desired visual effect. Always save your original file and create a duplicate to experiment with different settings.

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