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Adobe Photoshop Portrait Editing Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop Portrait Editing Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop Portrait Editing Tutorial,

Guide to Photoshop Portrait Editing

Portrait editing in Photoshop can transform a standard photo into a stunning image, highlighting the subject’s best features. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you achieve professional-quality edits.

Open the Image in Photoshop:

  • Therefore, Launch Photoshop and open the portrait you want to edit.
  • In other words, Duplicate the original layer (Ctrl + J or Cmd + J on Mac) to preserve the original image.
Adobe Photoshop Portrait Editing Tutorial

Basic Adjustments:

  • Crop and Straighten: However, Use the Crop tool (C) to remove any unwanted edges and straighten the image.
  • Exposure and Contrast: For instance, Adjust the exposure, contrast, highlights, and shadows using Image > Adjustments > Levels (Ctrl + L or Cmd + L).

Skin Smoothing:

  • Remove Blemishes: Above all, Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) to remove blemishes, spots, and other imperfections.
  • Frequency Separation: In addition, This technique helps separate the skin texture from the color. Create two copies of the image layer:
  • Name the first copy “Low Frequency” and apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to blur out the fine details.
  • Name the second copy “High Frequency” and set the blending mode to Linear Light. Then, go to Image > Apply Image and select the “Low Frequency” layer with the blending mode set to Subtract.
  • Group these two layers and use masks and the Brush tool to smooth out the skin without losing texture.
  • Eyes: After that, Use the Dodge Tool (O) to brighten the whites of the eyes and the Burn Tool (O) to add depth to the iris. Sharpen the eyes using the Sharpen Tool or Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.
  • Teeth Whitening: Select the teeth using the Lasso Tool (L), then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Ctrl + U or Cmd + U). Reduce the Yellow saturation and increase the Lightness.

Adjusting Color and Tone:

  • Color Correction: Similarly, Use Image > Adjustments > Color Balance (Ctrl + B or Cmd + B) to adjust the color tones. You can also use Image > Adjustments > Selective Color it for more precise adjustments.
  • Overall Tone: Use Curves (Ctrl + M or Cmd + M) to adjust the overall tone of the image. This can help in enhancing the contrast and depth.
Adobe Photoshop Portrait Editing Tutorial

Final Touches:

  • Hair: Therefore, Enhance the hair by adding shine and volume. Use the Dodge and Burn Tools to create highlights and shadows.
  • Background: Blur or darken the background to make the subject stand out. Use Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a mask to keep the subject sharp.
  • Vignette: Create a vignette effect to draw attention to the center of the image. Use Filter > Lens Correction and select the Custom tab to adjust the vignette settings.

Save Your Image:

  • Save your edited image in the desired format. For web use, save it as a JPEG with high quality. For printing, save it as a TIFF or PSD file.


Portrait editing in Photoshop requires attention to detail and a good understanding of available tools. Following these steps can enhance your portraits and create professional-quality images. Practice regularly to improve your skills and discover new techniques.

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