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Passport Size Photo Make in Adobe Photoshop

Passport Size Photo Make in Adobe Photoshop

Passport Size Photo Make in Adobe Photoshop,

Passport Size Photo Make in Adobe Photoshop

Therefore, Creating a passport-size photo in Adobe Photoshop involves a few key steps. In other words, Here’s how you can do it:

Open the Photo in Photoshop:

  1. However, Open Adobe Photoshop and load the photo you want to resize by selecting File > Open and choosing your image.

Crop the Image:

  1. After that, Select the Crop Tool from the toolbar on the left or press C on your keyboard.
  2. For instance, In the options bar at the top, set the aspect ratio to 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm (or 1.38 in x 1.77 in).
  3. Above all, Position the crop box to frame the subject’s face and shoulders appropriately.
  4. In addition, Hit Enter to apply the crop.

Passport Size Photo Make, Adjust the Image Size:

  1. Similarly, Go to Image > Image Size.
  2. Therefore, Ensure that the Resample box is checked.
  3. In other words, Set the resolution to 300 pixels/inch (a standard for printing).
  4. However, Enter the width as 3.5 cm (or 1.38 inches) and the height as 4.5 cm (or 1.77 inches).
  5. For instance, Click OK to resize the image.

How to Create a Passport Size Photo in Adobe Photoshop,

Create a New Document for Multiple Copies (Optional):

  1. If you want multiple passport photos on a single page, create a new document by going to File > New.
  2. In addition, Set the dimensions to 4×6 inches (a common photo paper size) with a resolution of 300 pixels/inch.
  3. Click OK to create the document.

Add the Resized Image to the New Document (Optional):

  1. Above all, Drag the resized image from the current document to the new document.
  2. After that, Use Ctrl+J (Windows) or Cmd+J (Mac) to duplicate the layer.
  3. Similarly, Position the copies on the document by using the Move Tool (V).

Save and Print:

  1. Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, go to File > Save As to save your work.
  2. Choose the format (e.g., JPEG) and click Save.
  3. Print the image using File > Print.

Passport Size Photo Make, Additional Tips:

  1. Ensure the background is plain and neutral, as passport photo standards require.
  2. Use the Levels or Curves adjustments to correct the brightness and contrast.
  3. Avoid any filters or effects that may alter the natural appearance of the face.

This method will allow you to create a professional passport-size photo in Adobe Photoshop.

How to Create a Passport Size Photo in Microsoft Word,

Creating a passport-size photo in Microsoft Word is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Open Microsoft Word:

  1. Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word.

Insert the Photo:

  1. Go to the “Insert” tab.
  2. Click on “Pictures” and select “This Device” (or wherever your photo is stored).
  3. Choose the photo you want to resize and click “Insert.”

Passport Size Photo Make, Resize the Photo:

  1. Click on the inserted photo to select it.
  2. Go to the “Picture Format” tab at the top of the screen.
  3. In the “Size” group, you’ll see options to manually adjust the width and height.
  4. Set the width to 3.5 cm (or 1.38 inches) and the height to 4.5 cm (or 1.77 inches), which are standard passport photo dimensions.

How to Create a Passport Size Photo in Microsoft Word,

Crop the Photo (If Needed):

  1. If you need to crop the photo to fit the dimensions better, click on “Crop” in the “Picture Format” tab.
  2. Adjust the crop box to focus on the face and shoulders.
  3. Click “Crop” again to apply.

Duplicate the Photo (Optional):

  1. If you need multiple copies, right-click on the photo and select “Copy.”
  2. Then, right-click elsewhere in the document and select “Paste.”
  3. Arrange the duplicated photos as needed.

Print the Photo:

  1. Once you have arranged the photos, you can print them directly from Word.
  2. Go to “File” > “Print” and select your printer.

Additional Tips:

  1. Use high-resolution images to ensure the passport photo is clear.
  2. Make sure the background of the photo is plain and neutral, as required for most passport photos.
  3. Ensure that the photo adheres to your country’s passport photo guidelines.

This method works well for creating passport-sized photos quickly using just Microsoft Word.

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