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How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop

How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop

How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop,

Therefore, Color correction in Photoshop for wedding photos involves a few essential steps to ensure the images look natural and vibrant, without overdoing it. In other words, Here’s a simple guide to help you correct colors effectively:

Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop
Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop

Open the Photo:

  • Therefore, Open the wedding photo in Photoshop by navigating to File > Open, and select the image.

Adjust White Balance:

  • Auto Color Correction:
  • However, Go to Image > Auto Tone, Auto Contrast, or Auto Color. Sometimes this automatically balances the image.
  • Manual White Balance:
  • For instance, Create a new Adjustment Layer by clicking the Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  • Above all, Select Curves.
  • For instance, Use the White Balance Eyedropper tool within Curves and click on something white or neutral gray in your photo.

How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction, Adjust Exposure:

  • In addition, Still, in the Adjustment Layers, add a Levels or Curves adjustment to correct the overall exposure and contrast.
  • After that, With, drag the black point and white point sliders to where the histogram starts.
  • In addition, you can fine-tune the brightness and contrast by pulling the curve slightly.
How to Wedding Photos Color Correction in Adobe Photoshop

Correct Skin Tones:

  • Similarly, Go to the Selective Color adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color).
  • After that, Choose “Reds” from the drop-down menu.
  • Similarly, Adjust the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow sliders to improve skin tones. Try reducing cyan and increasing yellow and magenta until the skin looks natural.

How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction, and Enhance Vibrancy:

  • After that, Add an Vibrance adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance).
  • Similarly, Increase the Vibrance to boost the colors without oversaturating them. Be careful with the Saturation slider; too much can make the photo look unnatural.

Fine-Tune Color with Hue/Saturation:

  • After that, Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to make specific color tweaks. For example, reduce the saturation of blues in the sky if they are overpowering or adjust the hue of greens to make foliage look more natural.

How to Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop,

Wedding Photo Colour Correction in Photoshop

Final Color Grading:

  • Similarly, If you want to add a specific color tone, add an Color Lookup adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Lookup).
  • In other words, Choose one of the preset LUTs like “Crisp Warm” or “Film Stock” for a cinematic look.
  • Similarly, Adjust the opacity of this layer if it’s too strong.

Save Your Work:

  • In conclusion, Once you’re happy with the result, save your work by going to File > Save As, and choose your desired file format (like JPEG or TIFF).

These steps will help you color-correct your wedding photos while keeping them looking beautiful and natural.

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