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Adobe Photoshop 2024 Beginner Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop 2024 Beginner Tutorial,

Therefore, Here’s a comprehensive guide to editing wedding portrait photos in Photoshop, covering various essential techniques to enhance and refine your images:

Step-by-Step Guide to Editing Wedding Portraits in Photoshop

1. In other wordsImport the Photo:

  1. In other words, Open Photoshop.
  2. However, Go to File > Open and select the wedding portrait you want to edit.

2. HoweverCrop and Straighten:

  1. Therefore, Select the Crop Tool (C) from the toolbar.
  2. For instance, Adjust the cropping to improve the composition and straighten any tilted horizon or vertical lines.
  3. Above all, Press Enter to apply the crop.

3. For instanceBasic Adjustments:

  1. In additionLevels:
    • In addition, Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels (Ctrl+L).
    • After that, Adjust the Input Levels sliders to improve exposure and contrast.
  2. After that, Curves:
    • Similarly, Go to Image > Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl+M).
    • Adjust the curve to enhance the tonal range.

4. Above allWhite Balance Correction:

  1. Similarly, Apply the Camera Raw Filter (Shift+Ctrl+A).
  2. Adjust the Temperature and Tint sliders to achieve the correct white balance.

5. ThereforeSkin Retouching:

  1. In other wordsRemove Blemishes:
    • Select the Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) from the toolbar.
    • Click on blemishes or spots to remove them.
  2. HoweverSmooth Skin:
    • Duplicate the background layer (Ctrl+J).
    • Apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Adjust the Radius until the skin appears smooth.
    • Add a layer mask to the blurred layer and invert it (Ctrl+I).
    • Use a soft white brush to paint over the areas you want to smooth, avoiding eyes, lips, and hair.

6. For instanceEnhance Eyes and Teeth:

  1. Above allWhiten Teeth:
    • Select the Lasso Tool (L) and make a selection around the teeth.
    • Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U).
    • Decrease the Yellow and increase the Lightness slightly.
  2. In additionBrighten Eyes:
    • Create a new layer and set its blending mode to Overlay.
    • Use a soft white brush at low opacity to paint over the whites of the eyes.
    • Use the Dodge Tool (O) to lighten the iris, enhancing the color and details.

7. Therefore, Enhance Hair and Makeup:

  1. For instanceHair:
    • Use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to fill in sparse areas or remove flyaways.
  2. Makeup:
    • Use the Brush Tool (B) at a low opacity to add subtle enhancements to the lips and eyes, mimicking natural makeup.

8. After that, Adjust Colors:

  1. Go to Image > Adjustments > Vibrance.
  2. Increase the Vibrance to enhance the colors without making them look unnatural.

9. Above allSharpen Details:

  1. In other words, Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J).
  2. Apply the Unsharp Mask filter (Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask).
  3. Adjust the Amount, Radius, and Threshold to sharpen the details.

10. SimilarlyDodge and Burn:

  1. Create a new layer and set its blending mode to Overlay or Soft Light.
  2. Use a soft white brush (for dodging) and a soft black brush (for burning) to paint over areas where you want to enhance highlights and shadows.
  3. Adjust the opacity of the layer if the effect is too strong.

11. HoweverAdd Vignette:

  1. Go to Filter > Lens Correction.
  2. In the Custom tab, adjust the Vignette settings to darken the edges slightly, drawing attention to the subject.

12. Final Adjustments:

  1. In other words, Make any final tweaks to brightness, contrast, and color balance to ensure the photo looks polished and natural.

13. Save the Edited Photo:

  1. Save your work in a Photoshop format (.PSD) to retain layers for future editing.
  2. Export the final image as JPEG or PNG for sharing (File > Save As).

Additional Tips for Wedding Portrait Editing,

  1. Natural Look: In addition, Aim for subtle enhancements to maintain a natural appearance.
  2. Use Layers: After that, Work on separate layers for different adjustments to keep your editing non-destructive and flexible.
  3. Preserve Originals: Similarly, Always keep the original photo intact and work on a duplicate to avoid any loss of data.
  4. Consistency: Therefore, Apply similar editing styles to all wedding photos to ensure a cohesive look throughout the album.

Example Workflow for a Wedding Portrait,

  1. Open Photo:
  1. File > Open > Select photo.
  1. Crop and Straighten:
  1. Select the Crop Tool (C) and adjust the framing.
  2. Press Enter to apply.
  1. Basic Adjustments:
  1. Image > Adjustments > Levels or Curves.
  2. Adjust sliders for exposure and contrast.
  1. White Balance:
  1. Filter > Camera Raw Filter.
  2. Adjust Temperature and Tint.
  1. Skin Retouching:
  1. Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) for blemishes.
  2. Duplicate layer, apply Gaussian Blur and mask to smooth skin.
  1. Enhance Eyes and Teeth:
  1. Select and whiten teeth with Hue/Saturation.
  2. Brighten eyes using Dodge Tool (O).
  1. Hair and Makeup:
  1. Use Clone Stamp Tool (S) for hair.
  2. Brush Tool (B) for makeup enhancements.
  1. Adjust Colors:
  1. Image > Adjustments > Vibrance.
  1. Sharpen Details:
  1. Duplicate layer, apply Unsharp Mask.
  1. Dodge and Burn:
    • Create a new Overlay layer, using a soft white/black brush.
  2. Add Vignette:
    • Filter > Lens Correction.
  3. Final Adjustments:
    • Image > Adjustments for brightness, and contrast.
  4. Save:
    • File > Save As in PSD and JPEG formats.

By following these detailed steps and tips, you can effectively enhance wedding portraits in Photoshop, bringing out the best features and creating beautiful, memorable images.

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