Arzuz Creation

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How to Create Dodge and Burn in Adobe Photoshop

How to Create Dodge and Burn in Adobe Photoshop,

Therefore, Dodging and burning in Photoshop is a technique used to lighten (dodge) or darken (burn) specific areas of an image, enhancing contrast and adding depth. In other words, Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to dodge and burn effectively:

Step-by-Step Guide:

HoweverOpen Your Image:

  1. Open your image in Photoshop by going to File > Open.

For instanceCreate a New Layer:

  1. Create a new layer by clicking on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  2. Name it “Dodge and Burn.”

Above allFill the New Layer with 50% Gray:

  1. With the new layer selected, go to Edit > Fill.
  2. In the Fill dialog box, set Contents to 50% Gray and Blending Mode to Normal.
  3. Click OK.

In additionChange the Blending Mode of the New Layer:

  1. Change the blending mode of the “Dodge and Burn” layer to Overlay. This will make the gray layer invisible, but it will still allow you to dodge and burn.

After that, Select the Brush Tool:

  1. Select the Brush Tool (B) from the toolbar.
  2. Set the brush hardness to 0% to create a soft brush.
  3. Set the opacity to around 10-20% for subtle adjustments.

SimilarlySet Foreground Color:

  1. To dodge (lighten), set the foreground color to white.
  2. To burn (darken), set the foreground color to black.
  3. You can quickly switch between black and white by pressing X on your keyboard.

ThereforeStart Dodging and Burning:

  1. With the “Dodge and Burn” layer selected, paint over the areas you want to lighten or darken.
  2. Use white to lighten areas (dodge) and black to darken areas (burn).

In other wordsAdjust the Opacity:

  1. If the effect is too strong, you can lower the opacity of the brush or the “Dodge and Burn” layer itself.


  1. Zoom in to work on smaller details.
  2. If you make a mistake, you can use the Eraser Tool (E) to erase parts of the “Dodge and Burn” layer.

Additional Adjustments:

  1. You can create multiple dodge and burn layers to separate different adjustments.
  2. You can also use layer masks to apply the dodge and burn effects selectively.
  1. Work Gradually: Build up the effect slowly for a more natural look.
  2. Use Low Opacity: Keeping the brush opacity low allows for more control and subtle adjustments.
  3. Pay Attention to Highlights and Shadows: Enhance the natural highlights and shadows to add depth and dimension to your image.
  4. Zoom In and Out: Regularly zoom in and out to ensure your adjustments look good at different scales.

This technique allows for precise control over the light and dark areas of your image, helping you enhance contrast and depth naturally and effectively.

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