Photoshop color grading presets, the Best professional photo editing tutorial for beginners.
Color grading in Photoshop is the process of adjusting the color, tone, and mood of an image to achieve a specific look or feel. It involves using various tools and techniques to manipulate the color and lighting of an image to create a desired effect.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform color grading in Photoshop:
Open your image in Photoshop and duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl + J (Windows) or Command + J (Mac). This will allow you to make adjustments without affecting the original image.
Go to the Adjustments panel (Window > Adjustments) and select the Color Lookup adjustment layer. This will open the Color Lookup dialog box.
In the Color Lookup dialog box, select the 3DLUT file you want to apply to your image. You can download various 3DLUT files online or create your own using software like Adobe After Effects or DaVinci Resolve.
In other words, Adjust the opacity of the Color Lookup layer to achieve the desired effect. A lower opacity will result in a more subtle color grade, while a higher opacity will be more pronounced.
Click the presets button below to download the Photoshop preset file 📂
You can also use other adjustment layers, such as Curves, Levels, and Hue/Saturation, to further refine the color grade. For example, you can use Curves to adjust the contrast or brightness of specific areas of the image or use Hue/Saturation to desaturate certain colors or add a color cast.
In other words, To apply a specific color cast, go to the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and select the Colorize option at the bottom of the dialog box. This will allow you to apply a specific hue and saturation to your image, giving it a unique color cast.
Now watch this video 📹 tutorial and click on the video tutorial button to learn the work,
After that, You can also use layer masks to selectively apply your color grade to specific areas of the image. For example, you can use a layer mask with a soft brush to apply the color grade only to certain parts of the image, leaving other areas untouched.
Finally, save your image in your desired format and resolution for optimal results.
Remember color grading is all about personal preference and creativity, so feel free to experiment with different techniques and tools until you achieve the desired effect!